What’s Trending? Wellness is.

April 12, 2019

The growth of this industry is exciting for us because as leaders in the destination spa category – we specialize in offering an immersive wellness focused getaway and we love helping people discover their path to feeling good.


Recently, the Global Wellness Summit released their 2019 trend report, revealing research that shows the current global economy for wellness being at $4.2 trillion. Wellness travel accounts for $639 billion of that number and that means more and more people are looking to incorporate some form of health-focused experiences into their vacations. The growth of this industry is exciting for us because as leaders in the destination spa category – we specialize in offering an immersive wellness focused getaway and we love helping people discover their path to feeling good.

We thought we’d share a few of the trends with you with a link to the full report.

One that speaks to our lakefront locale is #4 Prescribing Nature. As more studies are revealed that show the power of nature on healing, it is grabbing the attention of the medical community. Down the road, your doctor may actually prescribe 30 minutes in nature to help what ails you. Similar to Dr. Wallace J. Nichols’ book, Blue Mind which correlates health and happiness to being in, near or on a body of water, trends like Forest Bathing continue to gain traction in the spa space.

Another trend we’re excited to see is #3 Meditation Goes Plural. There is no “one size fits all” meditation and we find that to be true. Here, your way of meditating could be swinging in a hammock by the lake, listening to the birds and laps of water against the shore. Or, you might prefer to be led in an exercise of visualization or intentional breathing. Crystal healing bowls also allow you focus on just the sound and vibrations filling the room as you close your eyes and find peace within. Did you know that in 2018 wellness and meditation apps were the #1 app trend according to Apple? Meditation is going mainstream indeed.


Other trends include:

Well Fashion: Way Beyond Athleisure

Wellness Takes on Overtourism

MediScent: Fragrance Gets a Wellness Makeover

…and more. Have you heard of any other wellness trends taking shape? We’d love to hear from you.